Heal Well Kingston's Healing Salon

26apr6:00 pm7:30 pmHeal Well Kingston's Healing Salon

Event Details

FREE, April 26th, 6—7:30pm, Lace Mill, 165 Cornell St, Kingston

A health gathering to bring community members together—healers, health providers, and anyone seeking health improvement—to share information and peer support in a dynamic, engaging, and social environment.

Please RSVP to eflynn@kingston-ny.gov.

Hosted by Stephanie Hope, RN, www.hopeholistic.com.

To bring community members together – healers, health providers, and anyone seeking health improvement – to share information and peer support in a dynamic, engaging, and social environment.

90 mins long, skillfully facilitated using principles from Otto Sharmer’s Presenting Institute and Integrative Nurse Coaching and tools such as Liberating Structures.


  • Opening circle, brief movement activity, ground rules/agreements, introductions (participants share name, what they are seeking, and any expertise they have to share)
  • Ideas Marketplace – two rounds of simultaneous short presentations or discussions on various topics, participants can roam where they are interested
  • Peer coaching in groups of 3. Each person takes a turn sharing, listening, and holding space. Participants discuss a health/lifestyle challenge and/or identify a change they would like to make.
  • Closing circle
  • Social/food/music/mingle time

Photo borrowed from https://www.presencing.org





April 26, 2018 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm(GMT+00:00)


The Lace Mill

163 Cornell St, Kingston, NY 12401

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