Lend a hand on your own time, at your own pace!
How it works:
- Go to September Trail Rangers Sign Up Form
- Review the available trail sections and suggested tasks for each section. Select where you and/or your group can lend a hand (tip: Use the Kingston Greenline map as a reference).
- Before submitting your selection, you can specify in the comment field what suggested tasks you plan to do or just report back on how it went at staff@kingstonlandtrust.org or 845-877-5263 by September 30th.
- Feel free to share any photos, stories, or feedback from your experience to help us grow the program!
- Contact us ahead of time if you would like to discuss a task or be oriented to a trail section. The KLT can also arrange to provide tools, gloves, garbage bags, and other materials if needed.
- Please follow social distancing and virus spread prevention guidelines while working on the trail.
- If you or your group would like to more formally adopt one of the trail sections for regular or long term stewardship, let us know!
Go to https://mailchi.mp/kingstonlandtrust/september-trail-rangers-signup?e=bf2b0afcda for more info.