Ninette Warner

Ninette Warner is a registered dietitian nutritionist with a master’s degree in nutrition from Kansas State University. She works for Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ulster County as the school [...]

Nettie Morano

Nettie is a retired paralegal with most of her career spent at the Colorado Attorney General’s office in the consumer fraud unit. She relocated to Kingston in the summer of 2021. She also serves [...]

Cindy Muro

Cindy Muro is a horticulturist with a lifetime of experience growing plants including 18 years running the greenhouse at Mohonk Mountain House. She is the steward for the George Washington [...]

Heidi Kirschner

My tenure at the YMCA started in January 2011. My goal was to grow our local YMCA into more of a community center where our community could gather for not only physical activity but also other [...]

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