According to the Arthritis Foundation’s evidence -based Walk With Ease Program, walking, like many other forms of exercise, offers many benefits for your body and spirit. Walking is inexpensive and can help support overall good health. It can strengthen the heart and lungs, nourish the joints, build bones, fight osteoporosis, burn calories, control weight, reduce stress, improve mood and boost energy. Walking groups provide social support, motivation, reinforcement, and assistance with problem solving barriers to staying active in an exercise program. 

To support its mission to develop programming that promotes active aging for seniors, Age Well Kingston piloted a six week indoor walking program inspired by the Arthritis Foundation’s Walk With Ease. The pilot was held for six weeks in the gymnasium of the Andy Murphy Neighborhood Center in Midtown, home to the City of Kingston’s Parks and Recreation Department’s Senior Programs. The pilot was launched in March 2023 and dubbed the “Midtown Mondays Walking Group”. We asked participant Trudi Melamed, a retired Kingston resident, to share her experience in the walking program, and her personal insights on aging well.

What was your experience with the Age Well Kingston Monday Midtown Walking Group? 

I really enjoyed it, the class size was good, I enjoyed the music and the conversation, and the fact that I could walk inside during the colder weather that time of the year. The people were friendly and the instructor was nice. I like that there was an introduction at the start of each class on aging well.

I think it provided a place for people to come together and do some activity to keep moving. It was a safe place to do walking. It provided a place for different people to meet each other. I was unaware of the senior programming at the Andy Murphy; it would be an improvement to make these programs more public so people can sign up. 

Editor’s Note: To learn more about the City of Kingston Parks and Recreation Department Senior Programs, visit: Welcome to the City of Kingston, NY – Seniors & Adults (

Why is Walking for exercise important to you? 

I think it’s very important to get up and move and not live a sedentary lifestyle. I think walking is healthier than running at our age. It’s an activity I can do by myself or with other people, it can be a group activity. It’s something you can control; how far, how fast you walk, it’s not a race, i really enjoy walking in the fresh air.

Tell us how you Age Well

If you think young you can be young! I personally have done a lot of traveling since I retired with a partner who also loves to travel. Don’t sit back and do nothing. Get out there and cultivate a social life where you have contact with other people so you’re not alone. Make yourself aware of opportunities open to you.

The pilot walking program was a success! Based on the results of week one Starting Point Self-Test and week six Ending Point Self-Test; 75% of participants reported a reduction of pain and 50% reported lower Physical Limitations scores. As a result of the program’s success, this free indoor walking program will be offered again, late fall 2023. Contact the City of Kingston Health and Wellness Department for more information (845) 334 – 3951.

Lead Photo: Tom Polk, Bicycle Educator at the YMCA of Ulster County, provided the walking group with safety vests during his Pedestrian Safety Education Photo Left: Participants take their laps around the gym after warm-up stretches. 

To learn more about the City of Kingston Parks and Recreation Department Senior Programs, visit: Welcome to the City of Kingston, NY – Seniors & Adults ( To learn more about the Arthritis Foundation Walk with Ease program, visit Make Walking Easier With Arthritis  To learn more about Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety check out: Bicycle Programs – The YMCA of Kingston & Ulster County ( 

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