Juneberry Planting at Delaware Parklet

21nov2:00 pm4:00 pmJuneberry Planting at Delaware Parklet

Event Details

Join us to plant juneberry shrubs/trees (genus Amelenchier), aka serviceberry or shadbush, at the Delaware Ave. Parklet on November 21, 2pm! Grow Well, a Focus Team of Live Well Kingston, and the Kingston Land Trust will be hosting the volunteer event. We will spend a couple hours planting as part of a long term goal to improve the small park space that is part of the Greenline network of trails. The Delaware Parklet is best accessed by parking at the municipal lot on Livingston St. behind the Fourth Ward Honor Roll Memorial at the corner of Delaware and Livingston St. Please dress appropriately for the weather and bring drinking water. Please email or call Emily with any questions: eflynn@kingston-ny.gov or 845-334-3909. Check the Facebook event for any event updates.

Photo by Carol VanHook on Flikr.



November 21, 2021 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm(GMT-04:00)


Delaware Parklet

Delaware Ave. and Livingston St.

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Delaware Parklet

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