Local organizations are coming together to offer sidewalk activities on the Worldwide Day of Play, which is Saturday, September 26, 2020.
Between September 23-27, each organization will decorate their sidewalk with temporary spray chalk and create an activity that adolescents, and those young at heart, can participate with at their own convenience and while socially distancing.
The decorated sidewalk outside the Kingston Library.
The inspiration for the project, organized by the Play Well Focus Team of the Live Well Kingston Commission, came from the Kingston Library, which created sidewalk activities around the building. The decoration has prompts for a “hot Lava” obstacle course, counting, jumping jacks, stomping and following the line.
Additional participating organizations include:
The AJ Williams-Myers African Roots Center, 43 Gill St, will host “Creative Chalk & Sidewalk Play” in collaboration with Wild Earth on Saturday from 1-4pm. Their program will include hopscotch, original art, and creative play activities plus snack packs, juice boxes, and free masks. The sidewalk creations imagined by the children will be available for all to see until the last of the chalk fades away.
261 Fearless, a global non profit that uses social running and physical activity to empower and unite women , will decorate part of the Dietz Stadium Road between Forsyth Park and the locker rooms with a sidewalk obstacle course for kids of all ages that encourages movement.
The Little Free Library #98089 at 22 Sharon Lane, in Uptown, will have a sidewalk activity course for kids and “kids at heart.”
The Rondout Neighborhood Center, 105 Broadway, will decorate their sidewalks with the children who are participating in the “Drop-In School Support Program” remote learning at the Center.
The YMCA of Kingston and Ulster, 507 Broadway, Saturday from noon-4pm will decorate the brand new sidewalks on Broadway and near the childcare entrance with messages of hope, games and designs of your creation. The event is family friendly and fun for all ages.
Artport, 108 East Strand Street, Kingston, is a part of Art Walk Kingston, stop by and meet Roberta Ziemba, educator and artist and decorate the sidewalk outside of Artport. (noon-5:00 p.m.)
Arts Society of Kingston (ASK), 97 Broadway, Kingston will participate in front of the entrance. (noon-5:00 p.m.)
In addition, the community is invited to design a temporary decoration and join the fun! Post pictures of your creations with the following tags to participate: #KingstonChalktheWalk #PlayWellKingston #WorldwideDayofPlay