
Our Mission

The Play Well focus team develops, implements and/or supports policy, systems and environmental change to facilitate growth and maintenance of public parks, recreational facilities, open space and other resources in order to increase safe and accessible places for physical activity for all users. Facilitates the development of programs that encourage utilization of parks and open spaces and play. Supports initiatives that connect people to physical activity and other play resources. 

Our Vision 

We envision Kingston as a place where people of all ages enjoy easy access to high quality parks, playspaces, and open space and where people can participate in fun, active activities and play, using a variety of accessible equipment and through age appropriate programs.  

What we are doing!

We meet the fourth Friday of the month at 11am.

Our 2024 Goals 

  1. Encourage the use of, and access to, City of Kingston parks
  2. Promote and connect people to physical activity and recreation resources
  3. Programming to encourage play and create collaboration

To find out more about what this Focus Team is doing or to join us, contact Emily at eflynn@kingston-ny.gov

Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

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